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The Swiss Army Knife of The Internet!

THE SWISS ARMY KNIFE - Single tool capable of meeting multiple requirements at one go and a complete helping hand in any situation.

2020 - the year of the pandemic, where every next person lost their job, hope, or even drowned in their businesses, but STOP!!! do you know what made an amazing remark in this worst situation? Online business, yes these businesses have made growth more than expected and videos are the Swiss Army Knife to them. Over 95% of online businesses are dependent on this video content which is shared over the internet every second. Ever thought why these videos are doing such a great job in the online world? The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times more than words, isn't this amazing!! So when a person watches a video related to his interest and the piece of information is presented visually, it impacts learning and helps us to understand the topic adequately.

Let us dig in more depth and find out the main reason why a video is the Swiss Army Knife to the Internet. Factors like quality, audio, visuals, titles, effects, graphics, etc contribute to the success of a video and simultaneously contributes to the growth of your business. Videos are proven to be more informative as well as fun to watch. We are dealing in a world where one video can lead to a massive social following and can impact massively. So if you want to display your product or want to convey any information, why not hit the targets across the globe in a fraction of second and a few clicks?

By 2021, it is expected that the internet will be completely packed with this marketing tool, what are you waiting for? Now you must be thinking if videos hold that immense power in the online world, why not everyone is at the top? Well, people are growing with creating and sharing videos, and you will be shocked to know that 60 hours of video are uploaded every minute or one hour of video is uploaded to YouTube every second.

“Even a small plant needs watering and care to grow into a big fruitful tree”

If you are given a choice to buy some sweets from a shop and one shop is an attractive looking and well-maintained shop and the other one is a roadside shop, where would you buy the sweets from? Obviously, you'll choose the first shop, right? This is because of the presentation of the shop, it plays a very big role in the market. The same rule applies to your business too, factors like quality, audio, visuals, titles, effects, graphics, etc contribute to the success of a video same as the maintenance of the shop does and simultaneously benefits your business.

Not talking about a normal video clip but we are focusing on the perfect fit edited video. Before any video is uploaded on the internet platforms, it requires some finishing and editing too. Video editing is something now that comes into action. A raw video is like that same roadside food with content but not good packaging or display. No one is ready to pick it but as soon as the magic of editing and touchup is applied to it, it starts to climb the ladder of attention. Video editing can be considered as a way of a good presentation to a normal video clip. Content is important, but if you don’t know how to present that content, no one will buy it.

Don’t worry if editing is something you don’t know or are scared of, Crop Shop is here to provide you with the best solutions. Start a new project and also get lots of suggestions to improve and succeed if you are a beginner in these video creations.

In a world of tough competition among businesses, take this opportunity to boost your productivity NOW! To stand out among millions of videos, let Crop Shop take the responsibility to make your video stand at the height of virals and hits. Start a new project.



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